5 Reasons to Be Thankful for Dental Implants

November 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Steve Koo @ 7:23 pm
Family enjoying turkey dinner together

Around this time of year, many people pause to reflect on the things they are thankful for. Things like family, friends, and a comfortable home often come to mind. But have you paused to think about how thankful you can be for your dental implants? Even though you may be missing one or more of your natural teeth, implants provide a remarkable tooth replacement solution. Here are some specific reasons why you can be grateful for them:

You Can Eat Your Favorite Foods

Will you enjoy a big turkey dinner with your family this month? Thanks to your implants, you can dig into the meal with enthusiasm. Whether you are enjoying a yummy slice of turkey with cranberry sauce or you are munching on a piece of pecan pie for dessert, you will not have to worry about taking any extra precautions when you eat. You can simply take pleasure in a tasty meal!

You Can Smile with Confidence

Does your family love to take photos when they gather together? In the past, your missing teeth might have made you feel a little self-conscious when getting your picture taken. Dental implants, though, bear a strong resemblance to natural teeth. You will be able to pose for photos without worrying about how your smile will look.

Dental Implants Stay in Place

If you had dentures before receiving dental implants, you might have been frustrated when your prosthetic unexpectedly slipped out of place. Dental implants make sure that your teeth stay where they belong so you never have to interrupt other important tasks to put your smile back in order.

Dental Implants Support Your Health

Oral health and overall health are strongly connected. Sadly, research suggests that people with extensive tooth loss do not live as long as those who manage to retain their natural teeth. The good news is that dental implants can address virtually all of the problems that come with tooth loss. Therefore, not only can they improve the quality of your life right now, but they might also extend the length of your life.

Almost Anyone Can Get Dental Implants

Dental implants are the best form of tooth replacement, and they are available to almost anyone who wants them. If you do not yet have them, there is a strong chance that you can qualify for the procedure, either right away or after some preparatory treatments. By this time next year, you could have a strong, confident smile to bring with you to all of your favorite seasonal events!

Meet the Practice

Drs. Steve Koo and William Shepard are the two highly skilled, board-certified oral surgeons in our practice. They are proud to provide a range of advanced dental implant services. If you are missing some teeth and are ready to explore your tooth replacement options, our team would be more than happy to assist you. Contact our Katy office at 832-353-1100.