Are You a Good Candidate for IV Sedation?

October 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Steve Koo @ 5:44 pm
Woman’s arm with IV inserted near elbow

If the prospect of undergoing dental treatment makes you cringe, you might postpone treatment until you are in urgent need of care. You might even forgo necessary procedures altogether! What can help you to commit to treatment with confidence? You might be a good candidate for IV sedation dentistry, which can help you stay calm and relaxed throughout your appointment. Here are some indications that it might be perfect for you:

Dental Treatment Makes You Nervous or Afraid

If you are plagued by extreme anxiety surrounding dental treatments, IV sedation may be able to help. Because the medication is administered directly into the bloodstream, it takes effect very quickly. It is also quite powerful. It has the potential to help even the most nervous patients get through their procedure with calmness and comfort.

You Need Extensive Treatment

If you need a lengthy treatment, or your oral surgeon wants to perform multiple procedures during the same appointment, sedation can be a great help. It can prevent you from becoming uncomfortable during long hours sitting in the operatory. Plus, the IV allows your dental team to adjust your level of sedation throughout your appointment, so you can remain comfortable no matter how long your procedure takes.

You Have a Strong Gag Reflex

Not only can a strong gag reflex cause distress for you, but it could also prevent your dental team from performing necessary treatment. Sedation can reduce that reflex so you are able to receive efficient and effective care.

You Do Not Have Any Serious Contraindications

IV sedation is safe for most patients, but there are some medical conditions, such as pregnancy, that could make it risky. Your oral surgery team will thoroughly screen you for any contraindications so they can be confident that sedation will not put you in danger. If it looks like IV sedation is not right for you, they will look for other ways to make sure you are comfortable during your procedure.

You Have Someone to Drive You Home

IV sedation can make you sleepy, and its effects may linger for several hours after your appointment. It is important that you have a trusted friend or family member available to drive you home so you will be safe on the road. If they can stick around and help you out with household tasks until you are back to feeling like yourself, that would be even better.

IV sedation could change the way you think about dentistry! Why not talk to your care team to find out if it is right for you?

Meet the Practice

The team at Piney Point Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery of Katy/Cypress features two board-certified oral surgeons and an extremely talented support staff. If you need a complex oral surgery procedure and are interested in learning if you could be sedated during it, our team would be happy to answer your questions. Contact our office at 832-353-1100.