Look and Feel Your Best: 9 Injectable Trends

January 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Steve Koo @ 3:41 pm
Close-up of woman getting BOTOX injection between her eyes

If you have ever thought about undergoing a professional cosmetic treatment, you have probably at least considered injectables. Things like BOTOX and dermal fillers have been around for years, and they are continually growing in popularity. Which injectable trends might be right for you? Your cosmetic dentist or another qualified professional can help you decide. In the meantime, take a look at some of the most popular ways people are using injectables in 2022.

1.     30th Birthday BOTOX

Although 30 is a fairly young age, it is also when many people start to notice fine lines and wrinkles. It is becoming increasingly popular for image-conscious individuals to treat themselves to their first BOTOX injections when they reach this milestone age. Not only can the BOTOX reduce the appearance of existing fine lines, but it can also prevent new ones from forming.

2.     Medical BOTOX

While BOTOX is widely known for its cosmetic benefits, more and more people are becoming aware of its medical applications. It may help with issues like migraines, headaches, muscle spasms, and more.

3.     Fillers for Acne Scars

Acne scars, especially pitted ones, can be a tricky skin issue. Fortunately, some dermal fillers are suitable for filling in those scars and allowing the face to take on a smoother appearance.

4.     Fast-Acting Neurotoxins

While the term “neurotoxin” might be a little scary, these substances are actually quite common in professional cosmetic treatments (BOTOX is a prime example). Traditionally, they take several days to produce results. Nowadays, people are flocking toward faster-acting neurotoxin injectables that can help them look their best for special events.

5.     Lip Injections for Hydration

Lip injections are a popular way to achieve a plumper pout, but they can also add moisture to the lips and help to prevent uncomfortable dryness.

6.     Long-Lasting Fillers

Dermal fillers produce temporary results. Some of them last for a few months, but now, many people are flocking to longer-lasting filler options, which might last up to a year or so.

7.     Jawline Fillers

A sleek, defined jawline is all the rage. While surgery can help to create this look, many people aren’t ready to go under the knife. Instead, they are requesting dermal fillers for their jawline.

8.     Glamorous Lip Augmentation

Current trends are all about glamorous beauty, which means that more and more people are asking for super-plump lips, rather than a subtle plump-up for their pout.

9.     Nonsurgical Nose Jobs

Rhinoplasty (a nose job) is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries, and it is an excellent option for some people. For those who don’t want an invasive treatment, however, fillers can be used to temporarily disguise imperfections on and around the nose.

Injectables are becoming increasingly popular — will you use them to enhance your look in 2022?

Meet the Practice

Drs. Steve Koo and William Shepard are the surgeons at Piney Point Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of Katy/Cypress. In addition to helping people achieve better oral health, they also offer a number of cosmetic treatments, including BOTOX and dermal fillers. To learn more about their services, contact our team at 832-353-1100.