How Can You Recognize a Failed Dental Implant?

April 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Steve Koo @ 4:36 pm
Man with mouth pain, concerned about a failed dental implant

Dental implants are consistently successful. In fact, they are known to thrive in upward of 95% of cases! Sadly, though, there are rare occurrences when they fail. How can you recognize a failed dental implant? How can you address the situation? Is there anything you can do to prevent dental implant failure? Read this blog post to find out.

Are You at Risk?

It is important to note that anyone can suffer from a failed dental implant. However, certain individuals are more likely than others to develop this problem. Some risk factors for implant failure include:

  • The use of tobacco products
  • Heavy alcohol consumption
  • Missteps in oral hygiene
  • Health problems that increase the risk of infections (such as diabetes)

You should do everything in your power to minimize your risk. For example, you should adhere to an excellent oral hygiene routine, quite smoking, and strive to manage your overall health. Your efforts could ensure that your replacement teeth endure for a lifetime.

Signs of a Failed Dental Implant

Dental implant failure can occur at virtually any time, even years or decades after the initial placement surgery. Therefore, it is important that you are always alert to indications that something is not quite right with your prosthetic teeth. Here are some signs that you should schedule an appointment with a qualified dentist or oral surgeon:

  • There are signs of infection near an implant, such as swelling, redness, and pus
  • Your gums are receding
  • It is difficult to chew
  • You are experiencing unusual pain
  • An implant feels loose

Can a Failing Dental Implant Be Saved?

You should visit an oral surgeon or dentist as soon as you suspect that something is wrong with your implants. Delaying care will decrease the chances that the implant can be saved and increase the chances that you will require extensive or invasive procedures.

During your appointment, your care provider will assess the situation and recommend your next steps. You might need something as simple as a course of antibiotics or a new crown for your implant. However, it is also possible that you will need to get the implant removed altogether. After a healing period (and perhaps a bone graft), you might be eligible to receive a new implant.

Dental implant failure is rare, and you should not be overly concerned that it will happen to you. However, it is still important that you monitor your oral health and take action at the first sign of a problem.

Meet the Practice

Drs. Steve Koo and William Shepard of Piney Point Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery proudly provide dental implant care, including placement and salvage services. If you are concerned about the health of one of your implants, our team is ready to assess the problem and help you get back on the road to a healthy smile. Contact us at 832-353-1100.